Hey 👋, I'm

Diogo Cardoso

I build things for the web.

Background in Electrical and Computer Engineering.

Organized, team-oriented and highly adaptable, enjoy fast-paced environments.

Tennis. Padel. Soccer (go FCPorto!). Travel. Food. Movies. Tv shows. Music. Books. Tech. Finance. Economics. Psychology.

Available for freelance work. If you have a project that you want to get started, think you need my help with something or just fancy saying hey, then get in touch.


Senior Frontend Engineer / Tech Lead FE @ Sword Health

Apr 2023 - Present


Engaged in a front-end role with a focus on Research & Development, working on Design Systems, UI components, and the introduction of new features. Enhancing Developer Experience (DX) across teams

  • Led a team of front-end engineers to build and maintain multiple web applications, ensuring they were delivered on time and performed well.
  • Spearheaded the creation of Sword's design system, a comprehensive component library utilized across various projects. Oversaw the entire process from planning to development, ensuring seamless communication with the design team to establish a unified design system, enhancing usability and consistency.
  • Built user-friendly web application interfaces that improved user engagement and satisfaction.
  • Worked with various teams to improve the developer experience and promote teamwork across projects.
  • Set and enforced coding standards and best practices to improve code quality and consistency.
  • Implemented unit and end-to-end (e2e) tests to ensure the code was reliable and the applications were stable.
  • Successfully upgraded multiple projects from Vue 2 to Vue 3, enhancing performance, maintainability, and user experience.
VueTypeScriptPiniaFigmaStorybookVitestVue testing utilsGitGithub ActionsJiraKanban

Software Engineer @ Replai

Jan 2022 - Mar 2023


Full-stack role with emphasis on front-end. Focus on delivering new features and improving the product.

  • Built intuitive user interfaces and screens for the web application, improving user engagement and satisfaction
  • Developed and maintained back-end services, ensuring smooth and reliable performance for users
  • Collaborated with the design team to create a cohesive design system and components library, improving usability and consistency across the application
  • Worked closely with the product team to define and prioritize product roadmap and features
  • Ensured the quality and functionality of the application through the implementation of unit and end-to-end tests
ReactReduxTypeScriptStyled ComponentsStorybookReact Testing LibraryCypressNodeJSAWSServerlessPostgreSQLGitAgileJiraFigma

Front-end Developer (Contractor) @ Hostelworld

Apr 2021 - Sep 2021


Worked on the Wanderlust Design System, a design system built with web-components (Stencil) used by multiple Hostelworld applications.

  • Built reusable components for the design system using StencilJS and SASS, improving consistency and efficiency across teams and applications
  • Created intuitive and user-friendly screens and user interface components for the core web application
  • Improved the overall look and feel of the application through the use of modern design techniques and tools

Software Engineer / Tech Lead @ Beeyard

Out 2020 - Jan 2022


All-rounder in a pre-seed startup, from developing the product to managing the team.

  • Built intuitive and user-friendly screens and components for the web application, improving user engagement and satisfaction
  • Developed and maintained back-end services, ensuring smooth and reliable performance for users
  • Created engaging and functional screens and components for the mobile application, improving usability and accessibility on mobile devices
  • Developed desktop application for hardware configuration, improving the process by 10x resulting in faster production
  • Led and managed a team of 3 developers and 1 designer, ensuring alignment with the product roadmap and user needs
  • Implemented a payment and billing system, subscription flow, and user management, streamlining these processes and improving the overall user experience
  • Set up and maintained continuous integration and delivery pipelines using GitHub Actions and AWS, resulting in faster and more reliable updates and new features for users

Software Engineer @ Wegho

Apr 2019 - Out 2020


Full-stack role with emphasis on front-end. My first experience in a startup (seed) environment.

  • Built intuitive and user-friendly screens for the web application, improving user engagement and satisfaction
  • Developed and maintained back-end services, ensuring smooth and reliable performance for users
  • Built engaging and functional screens and components for the mobile application, improving usability and accessibility on mobile devices
  • Developed a progressive web application that is optimized for offline use
  • Implemented a comprehensive payment and billing system, subscription flow, and user management, streamlining these processes and improving the overall user experience
  • Set up and maintained continuous integration and delivery pipelines, ensuring timely and efficient deployments
ASP.NETC#ReactJavaScriptSQL ServerPWAIonicGitStripeAgileAzure DevOpsSketch

Other work

Teacher Assistant @ Code for All_ & Augusta Labs

Mar 2024 - Apr 2024


TA for the course 'AI for Developers'

  • Played a key role in planning and developing course content, including the creation of workshop exercises and syllabus reviews
  • Designed and implemented practical exercises to reinforce course material.
  • Provided weekly support to students through Q&A sessions and project reviews, assisting approximately 15 students.
  • Conducted engaging and informative workshops to enhance students' understanding of AI and LLMs.
PythonLangchainGoogle ColabLLM


Integrated Master's Degree in Electrical and Computer Engineering

2014 - 2024 est.

FEUP, Porto, Portugal

  • Master thesis: "Framework for collecting and processing georeferencing data"


Essential Project Management


First Certificate in English (FCE)

Cambridge University Press & Assessment




A web application that allows you to chat with your documents.

Uses embeddings and semantic search to find the most relevant documents for your query.

Use code DCDEV to get 25% off on the first month.



A web application that allows you to plan your trips with ease.

Participated in TUI Future Shapers 2023 by TUI/IRIS, and Beta Start 2023 by Beta-I.



This portfolio website. Built using Astro and Tailwind.

AstroTailwindTypeScriptAWSGithub ActionsGit


A web application that helps you manage your money.

It allows you to create budgets, track your expenses and income, and visualize your financial situation.

Using the open banking standards PSD2, it also allows you to connect your bank account and automatically import your transactions.

Supports the major brokers in Europe, allowing you to automatically import your financial assets portfolio.

NextJSStyled ComponentsExpressPostgreSQLServerlessAWSGithub ActionsGit

Euromillions Notifier

A web application that notifies you when the Euromillions jackpot reaches a certain amount.

ReactReduxSCSSMongoDBNodeJSExpressAWSGithub ActionsGit

URL Shortener

A web application that shortens your urls.

ReactCSSMongoDBNodeJSExpressAWSGithub ActionsGit

Exchange Rates ECB

npm versionRetrieve Euro foreign exchange reference rates from the European Central Bank.

Node.JSTypeScriptGithub ActionsGit
More projects on my GitHub.





ReactNextJSReduxStyled ComponentsSASSAngularVueIonicElectron




MongoDBPostgreSQLSQL ServerRedis


JestReact Testing LibraryCypressVitest





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